Amazing write-up, considering that this is a silent, persistent thought in the minds of any <35 yo working within Nigeria today.
My first remark would be to consider more deeply that thought stream of 'You have a dream life... and you will always put in the work wherever you find yourself'. This will open more vistas of realisation and self-awareness for you giving you the needed cushion/advantage to make your own way, deduce your own meaning and create your own joy in a convoluted world.
Ultimately we must acknowledge that a job is a job, and a life is a life. If you have the opportunity for both to be intertwined such that your job is very much your life, then that's cool... if you this is not your reality, that's also fine.
I would say a dream job is pretty much one that fills you with enough wonder and desire to create something (could be products, wealth, opportunities, relationship) regularly enough to give you a sense of being a valuable contributor to the society and the world at large.
You have a responsibility to yourself to create that dream life and it may be unfair to expect a job to give you that, even though some jobs do. Creating a dream life is essentially the fun part of living, it's a continuous and unending journey.
Well done, 'Banke. I enjoyed reading this.